Registration FAQs: How Does Registration Work, Anyway? (Pt 2)

As a follow up to our post on how we handle registration, here are some questions we’ve received from people over the past year and/or heard through the grapevine.

I thought I felt one way, but when I got the email to register I realized I felt a different way. What do I do?

Respond to the email! We are trying to get you into a program you want to be in, so if you’ve been offered a spot in the Dance Out and you suddenly realize you’d much prefer the Sing Out, just tell us! There’s no guarantee you’ll get offered a spot in the Sing Out, but we’ll always put you back in the lottery to give you a chance at it. We won’t be able to hold your spot in the program that you’re passing on, but if there are spots still available at the end of the lottery you can register for whatever you want!

I missed the email/the deadline to register and now I can’t access the page.

Unfortunately, once the deadline has passed you can’t register for that spot anymore, as it has already been offered to someone else. We move pretty quickly so people aren’t waiting any longer than necessary. However, we would be happy to put you back into the lottery if there are still spots available once the current round has ended. So just respond to the email and let us know what happened. There’s no guarantee you’ll get picked again, but you can definitely be reentered into the lottery (or placed on the waitlist if the lottery has ended).

I said I’d be happy with either program, though program B was my first choice. I didn’t get an email to register on day one. Does that mean I didn’t get into either?

Not necessarily. It just means that you weren’t picked for your first choice show during the first round of registration. Maybe you haven’t been picked for either yet, but you’re still in the lottery for round two spots for both. Maybe you were picked in round one for your second choice show, so you’re guaranteed a spot, but you just don’t know it yet because we’re trying to get you into your first choice show if possible. Keep checking your email (and make sure is on your allow list so we don’t wind up in your spam). You will hear back from us no matter what.

I said I would be happy in either program and I registered into one. Will I be offered an opportunity to register into the second one?

By default, during the lottery process you will only be offered a spot in one show. There may be instances where this isn’t the case (See “I thought I felt one way…” above) but for the most part once you have been offered a spot in a lottery, you won’t continue to be entered into the other one(s). However, if there are still spots available once the lottery is done and they are freely up on the website you’re welcome to register for whatever you want! We have had some participants each season who have done both shows even after we began this registration process.

I didn’t get offered a spot and I’m not interested in the other programs. Do I get any type of priority when signing up for next season?

In this case, two things happen:

  1. You are put on the waitlist for the program you were interested in. If a spot opens up before Launch Day, you’ll receive another email with more information.
  2. We make a note that you were on the interest list and didn’t get offered a spot. If you join the interest list again during the next season you will be entered into the lottery for your first choice program twice to increase your chances of getting into the show next time!

If you do wind up signing up for another show during the current season (or if you get off the waitlist), you won’t be entered into the next lottery twice but you will be able to participate during the season you originally wanted to participate in!

I want to apply for Financial Aid.

If none of the Pay What You Can options are feasible for you and your budget, then we invite you to apply for financial assistance for up to 100% off! To do so, you would need to fill out the financial assistance application instead of joining the interest list. We’ve made a change on the next interest list that we hope will make this clearer.

Our financial assistance program is not intended to be a special discount or an additional way to save money, we offer it so that those who are unable to afford the tuition for a Pay What You Can spot still have an opportunity to participate. If you are able to afford any one of our pay what you can tiers, chances are you won’t be eligible for financial assistance compared to many other people and you should grab a PWYC spot if it’s offered to you.

Financial assistance is an application process so it is completely separate from the lottery for a Pay What You Can spot. If you were selected randomly for a Pay What You Can spot it wouldn’t have any impact on if you will receive financial assistance. However, if you register for a Pay What You Can spot you will not be eligible for financial assistance any longer because you will already be registered into the program.

The program says it’s sold out, but the financial aid deadline has not passed yet. Can I still apply?

Absolutely, yes. We hold some spots aside for financial assistance until the financial assistance deadline, so if you are applying you don’t have to worry about the program selling out before you hear back about your application.