Financial Assistance

AfterWork Theater is committed to providing the opportunity to anyone who wants to be in a show and offering financial support where it’s needed most. There are two ways to receive tuition relief when registering to participate in our shows. The first option is to select the Pay What You Can tuition option that best fits your need. The second option is to apply for financial assistance.

Financial support is awarded to participants with limited monetary means who exemplify AWT’s core values. Our core values range from building community to leaning into the discomfort of the creative process to having a demonstrated track record of commitment. If you want to be in a show, you exemplify AWT’s core values, and you currently have limited financial means then see below to apply for financial assistance.

AWT staff will make all applications anonymous before they are submitted to the financial assistance review board. Applicants will be notified via email after the application deadline.

Financial Assistance Application

Applications for financial assistance for our performance programs can be found on individual program pages.

Applications for financial assistance for one of our AWT You(niversity) classes can be found on the individual class registration page. See all classes here!


A: The review board’s decision process will be driven by several factors including financial need, AWT’s commitment to diversity, and a demonstrated embodiment of our core values.

A: Applicants will be given the opportunity to request 25%-100% tuition relief. We will do our best to accommodate those requests.

A: No. Financial assistance is distributed based on need to participants who most exemplify our core values. There is no requirement to contribute behind-the-scenes; however, you’re more than welcome to if you’d like!

A: Applicants will be notified one way or the other via email approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

A: AfterWork Theater is always expanding our fundraising efforts so that we might offer access to fun, community, and creative self-expression to anyone in need. That said, there is currently a finite pool of money available for tuition relief. The chances of an applicant receiving assistance is completely dependent on the number of applications we receive. Just remember, it never hurts to apply!

A: Yes, all applications will be made anonymous before they are submitted to AWT’s financial assistance review board, and will be permanently deleted/destroyed as soon as the process is complete.

A: The financial assistance review board is comprised of at least four individuals who are committed to creating opportunities and upholding AWT’s core values. They may have a wealth of experience interacting with the organization in a multitude of ways including board members, participants, staff members, etc., or they bring in valuable outside expertise. Finally, they are a diverse group in regards to gender, race and socio-economic backgrounds.

A: We would love to hear from you if you have interest in this. Please reach out to We are not always actively looking for members of this board, but we will note your interest.